Email & On-call Queries

Deploy Your Best Sales Engineer to Answer Questions Instantly

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Improve Response Times Today

Email & On-call Queries

Deploy Your Best Sales Engineer to Answer Questions Instantly

Handle sales objections with ease

Search through company knowledge from where you work – no more checking on multiple apps or Slacking colleagues to get the right answer.

Do more with less with AI agent

Automate repetitive tasks and provide accurate AI assistance to improve team productivity and efficiency.

Empower sales teams to focus on selling

Leave high-effort tasks like information gathering and crafting responses to SiftAI. Gift time back to your sales teams.

Access knowledge where you work with SiftAI

  • Respond to client email questions from directly within your email app with the help of SiftHub Browser Extension
  • Find the information you need to respond to a sales objection during in-person meetings or calls via the SiftHub bot for Slack or the SiftHub bot for Teams
  • Connect to existing workplace apps to bring scattered knowledge into one accessible, centralized hub

Respond 10x faster every time

  • Field prospect queries in real-time with SiftAI 
  • Find the information you need, when you need it, and craft appropriate responses with agentic workflows
  • Cut the time and effort sales teams put into responding to client questions drastically

Empower your sales team to take ownership of client responses

  • Avoid waiting for verified responses from other teams – access technical and product knowledge via the SiftHub Platform 
  • Free up bandwidth for your solutions teams so they can focus on other critical tasks


Explore our winning features

Response generation

Perfectly crafted AI responses at your fingertips


Get instant answers without leaving your drafting ecosystem.


Give your responses a WOW factor with AI personalization

Sift through our connectors

Our out-of-the-box Connectors and customizable options ensure a tailored experience to your business needs from Day 1.

Browse Connectors

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