Assured Enterprise-Grade Security & Compliance

At SiftHub, we strive to be your trusted knowledge partner. Learn more about our commitment to customer security, data privacy, and compliance.

Secure Your Business Today
Data security & privacy
  • Data at rest is secured using AES 256 encryption. 
  • Data during transit is secured using TLS 1.2+ encryption.
  • We strictly adhere to data access permissions set in the source application.
  • No customer data is ever used for model training or fine-tuning.
LLM & AI model security
  • AI responses are grounded in company data and preferences, with safeguards to avoid hallucinations 
  • No customer data is ever used for LLM training or fine-tuning
  • Continuous testing is carried out for prompt injections, leakage, model jailbreak, and evasions 
SiftHub platform security
  • You can control what data the SiftHub Platform integrates and indexes. For example: specific Google Drive folders, controlled Slack channels, selected pages from Zendesk
  • We strictly adhere to data the access permissions you already have in the source applications

Enterprises trust SiftHub

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Our out-of-the-box Connectors and customizable options ensure a tailored experience to your business needs from Day 1.

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