
Meet SiftAI, Your AI Sales Engineer

Hire SiftAI Today

Instant answers, instant wins

Have a question? Ask SiftAI and get an answer in seconds. No lag time, and no more “I will get back to you”.

Never leave your drafting ecosystem

Search through all the company knowledge from where you work. No more checking on multiple apps or Slack-ing team members.

80% productivity boost with agentic workflows

Allow your team to focus on what they do best – selling! Leave the rest to SiftAI.

Activate a powerful AI sales agent in your browser

  • Access SiftAI from any browser window
  • Autofill and review responses to 100s of questions within Google Docs, Google Sheets, the vendor’s portal, and more
  • Search and find crucial info across all your connected apps - without leaving your current window or juggling between tabs

Unleash the power of SiftHub bot in #Slack

  • Unlock answers grounded in company knowledge from anywhere, at any time
  • Ask SiftAI questions relevant to your deal, product, or organization and get a response in seconds
  • Empower your sales team by putting knowledge at their fingertips
  • Stay updated with real-time synced content that reflects the latest edits and changes
  • Ensure secure access with out-of-the-box permissions, so your team only pulls answers from approved (re)sources

Supercharge your sales with SiftHub bot for Teams

  • Gain instant company insights by asking SiftAI questions about your deal, product, or organization on the move
  • Receive a response within seconds, no matter where you are, by querying SiftAI with relevant questions
  • Retrieve up-to-date information with real-time sync of content changes
  • Ensure secure access with out-of-the-box permissions, so your team only pulls answers from approved (re)sources

Elevate your MS experience with a dynamic AI sales assistant

  • Autofill responses to 100s of questions across multiple tabs or pages within Microsoft Word and Excel
  • Review and refine responses with options to choose alternatives, view matched Q&As, and trace sources—all in one place
  • Look up information from any connected apps directly within your drafting platform
  • Skip the tool-hopping and get accurate answers where you're working

Sift through our connectors

Our out-of-the-box Connectors and customizable options ensure a tailored experience to your business needs from Day 1.

Browse Connectors

Interested in hiring your very own AI sales engineer?